
This private vacation rental is located in 780sq. m. lot, bordered by a brook on one side, and rice fields on another side. It is 5 to 10 minutes drive away from the beaches along the coast of Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon. It is easily accessible and it offers parking for guests. You can enjoy various activities such as swimming and snorkeling in the nearby beaches. You can hike the nearby picturesque mountain overlooking the ocean.

We look forward to your stay.

Provincial life, with a little salt and sand.   Tranquil, and timeless, right next to you rice farmers till the land the way they have for centuries.  Drink some coffee, sit back and relax in the morning and imagine the view outside your window is exactly the same as it was 300 years ago.  Close your eyes again, and you are visiting a beach resort for the day, and ending the night at Camp Torrill dancing to techno music and singing karoake by the pool.  

Over a hundred miles from Metro Manila,  Far from ordinary, but quite extraordinary, visit Sta. (Santa) Magdalena, Sorsogon and Brookside Cottage.  Go there once and you will be forever enchanted, and you will definitely want to visit again.